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  • What is a Regional Partnership?

    A Regional Partnership is an association whose membership is comprised of small businesses, companies, civic leaders, and nonprofit organizations. Our Partnership was founded as the Chamber of Commerce in 1959 and transitioned into the Regional Partnership in 2024. Our mission has always been the same - to promote business and provide leadership for the improvement of the community. The Regional Partnership allows us to not only assist businesses in the local community but to branch out to assist all areas in the Southern Arizona region and beyond. Business Without Boundaries.

  • Is the Partnership connected to local or state government?

    No. The Sky Islands Regional Partnership is not a Government entity. It is an independent 501(c)6 nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting business and providing leadership for the improvement of the business community. 

  • What can a small business expect from the Partnership?

    Most of our members are small businesses, and we offer various services and programs with small businesses in mind. Regardless of size, all businesses are welcome to join the partnership and select the benefits that best suit their needs. Partnership Membership includes access to networking and business development opportunities each year, such as our Business at Twilight and Good Morning Sierra Vista. These provide our smaller businesses with unparalleled access to a vast membership network. Whatever your needs are, please let us know how we can help your business be its most successful!

  • What can a larger company expect from the Partnership?

    We're all fortunate to live and work in Southern Arizona. Large companies can reinvest in our community by partnering with the Partnership and making valuable business and community connections. 

    The Partnership's community engagement efforts make it easy for your organization to strengthen ties to the local business and nonprofit communities in Cochise County. The Partnership also offers signature events to deliver high-level networking and sponsorship opportunities to help you build awareness of your organization among our members. 

    As the voice of business in Cochise County, the Partnership is also your connection to government advocacy efforts. Through our Government Affairs and Economic Development Committee, members contribute to policy positions that work to strengthen the business and economic environment in Cochise County.

  • Why do businesses join a Partnership?

    Membership at the partnership offers numerous benefits and keeps business leaders like yourself on top of important, ever-changing issues and trends within your community and local marketplace. Not only that, but research points out that consumers are more likely to do business with a company if it’s a member of their local Regional Partnership (Chamber of Commerce). It’s true! According a research study by The Shapiro Group, Inc. and Market Street Services, when consumers know that a small business is a member of their local Regional Partnership (Chamber of Commerce), they are 44 percent more likely to think favorably of it and 63 percent more likely to purchase goods or services from the company in the future. Not only can membership make your business look more credible in the eyes of the community, but your membership has many other perks. For example:

    • You increase your visibility in the community. As a Partnership member you are listed in our directory, you are able to advertise to fellow members through us and we share your news through our website and social channels!
    • Grow your network! We have numerous events throughout the year of varying types, there is something for everyone. From social gatherings to leadership development programs.
    • You gain a voice in government. The Partnership has relationships with both local and state governments that we leverage to advocate on behalf of our members.
    • You have access to members-only discounts and services. As a Partnership member, you can take advantage of several member discount programs that have the potential to positively impact your business’ bottom line. 
    • Customer referrals? Yes. Every day, people call your local partnership or go to your local chamber’s website looking for potential vendors, and the chamber and chamber members typically recommend chamber members. 

    See more reasons to join.

  • What are the requirements?

    You aren’t technically required to do anything upon joining (except pay your membership dues). However, we strongly encourage you to engage with the Partnership and your fellow members. Simply put, what you get out of partnership membership is directly relative to what you put in. Only by participation can a business get its maximum benefit. 

  • What area does the Sky Islands Regional Partnership cover?

    The Sky Islands Regional Partnership has members throughout Southern Arizona, mainly located in Cochise County. 


Membership Proposal

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