The Role of the Board

The Board of Directors governs the business, property, and affairs of The Sky Islands Regional Partnership (SIRP). The Board is responsible for establishing policy, budgets, and the guidance of affairs. The Partnership, although a non-profit 501(c)6, membership based organization is a business and is managed like one. Board members must be able to positively represent the partnership and communicate it's mission and value to the business community.

The Board is composed of up to fifteen (9-15) persons who shall be members in good standing of the Partnership. Directors are elected for a term of three (3) years which are staggered so that approximately one-third of the directors are elected each year. Any vacancies in the board may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining directors. Board members are expected to attend Board Meetings (conducted on the 3rd Thursday of each month). Board Officers that are on the Executive Committee will meet at additional times, as needed. It is essential for Board Members to be connected to fellow Partnership Members through attending meetings, activities and programs of the Partnership.

The SIRP is open to accepting nominations or interest for future members to be considered to serve on the Board of Directors. All eligible nominees will be considered by the nominating committee.

Interest Form

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