Sierra Vista Area Chamber Member
Dear valued Chamber Members,
Business needs have changed and evolved over the past five years and the Sierra Vista Area Chamber of Commerce is changing and evolving as well. We are excited to announce that at the April 21st, 2022, Special Board of Directors meeting, the Sierra Vista Area Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors, unanimously approved the motion to transition to Membership Levels as of July 1st, 2022*. We are committed to bringing you the benefits your business needs, now and in the future.
At the Sierra Vista Area Chamber of Commerce, our Membership Committee spent the last 8 months researching business needs and Chamber memberships. Through that research, we realized our previous membership categories have become less suitable to the changing business needs. For example, the “type of business” membership category. A home-based business used to be a small one-person venture. Now, large businesses operate virtually from anywhere in the world. The business world continues to adapt and change today. A significant change in many businesses was the number of employees. It fluctuated greatly during the pandemic. Some businesses increased the number of employees due to demand and others decreased the number due to increased efficiency. At the Chamber, we realized our “# of employee” based memberships discouraged businesses from growing. That’s not who we are. The Chamber encourages growth in our community and our membership levels will now reflect that. Times have changed and we’ve adapted.
There are 4 Membership levels to choose from: Civic, Business, Investor, and Premier. Our Corporate Membership levels are also available to all businesses interested in increasing the level of investment in their business and in the community. Choose from Copper, Silver, Gold, or Diamond levels.
Please take some time to review the levels prior to renewing your membership. Be ready to renew by previewing the Membership Levels here: link
If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to us at 520-458-6940. We will be happy to schedule a time to sit with you and discuss the best level for your business.
We look forward to working together as we grow your business, our communities, and Southeastern Arizona.
Melany Edwards-Barton
Chief Executive Officer
*Members renewing on or before June 30, 2022, that pay by June 30, 2022, at 4pm, will be grandfathered in at the old membership type, until your next renewal in 2023.
*Each Member will choose the level that best suits your business needs when your regular annual renewal date approaches.